Wednesday, December 30, 2009

An old American Friend

It's a good thing this blog is free cause no one is going to want to read this. We must get up off of the couch and get to a city council meeting or a school board meeting or a township board meeting or a whatever. We need to understand who is running our local clique. What are the local issues being discussed and what are the proposed solutions on the table and what type of representation are we getting.

Sound like fun? I didn't think so. It is called civic duty. Did you sneeze? I figured with all the dust flying off of that one you might have. CIVIC DUTY. It even sounds onerous doesn't it? Kind of like Jury Duty, or Community Service. I contend that if we engage in civic duty, we can do away with community service. Unless of course you are a convict, in which case we can re institute community service, but only for you of course. Believe it or not, there was a time in this country when all male members of our society would go to the local church, or town hall and engage in self rule. Imagine that, they all read and knew the contents of the bill of rights, the constitution, parliamentary procedure and oh yes, the contents of their respective bibles.

I am reading a book right now written on or around 1850. Sounds boring I know, but the truth is, it is utterly fascinating. The author is a Frenchman many of you may have heard of and even know a little something about, his name was Alexis De Tocqueville. He spent about ten months here in the U.S. on or around 1830. The reason I mention this is because he went on to write this book I am only now reading, that was tauted in France at the time as the most ground breaking book published in over 30 years.

I myself, believe that is an understatement. I believe Tocqueville was a genius and more than that, he could articulate what he witnessed politically and socially like no other perhaps before or since. Let me get to the point. We have the luxury of hindsight when evaluating his words, which makes what he wrote even more profound then they could have possibly known 150 years ago. Therefore, we had better start to act on what he foretold. He said the genius that is America, and I paraphrase, is her morality. When she is no longer moral, she will no longer remain great. 150 years ago, this comment was seen as nothing more than an affirmation. Today, it is a wake up call.

With all of the moral ambiguity that exists today, and the moral relativism, how many of us, myself included, are comfortable with that phrase? Do you think it sounds apocalyptic? I do. When I first read that comment, my thoughts went immediately to my own behavior. I went through this personal assessment, which I am not proud to announce, was a little light in the seat. This is somewhat funny, because anyone who actually knows me, knows light in the seat is probably an improper metaphor for me.

The bottom line is, I realized that I am sorely wanting in the moral department. I remembered that our nation was actually founded upon freedom of religion so we could all worship unencumbered. Although, now it is more like unrequited, at least for me. To be sure, my compass was not broken, simply avoided. Kind of like the guy who gets lost and refuses to stop and ask for direction.

Isn't it ironic how events can conspire to force us to look into ourselves? I am being general, so if you are not one of us, do not take offense. What I am really trying to say is, we need to reassess our values, our principles, and our faith or lack thereof. I am finding this renaissance of faith reinvigorating. I am looking through the prism of hope, and confidence as I rekindle my relationship with my God, and my religion. I am now of the understanding that unless we come from a position of moral clarity, and moral authority, oh man more dust flying now, then we can not understand what the pursuit of happiness is about in the first place.

We can devise the most comprehensive intricate story ever known, but if we can not read, what is the use. To know the Bill of Rights, or the Constitution, is of less use if we do not see it through the eyes of a clear moral perspective. I am not talking about dogma of one religion or another, I am talking about natural law. The basic tenants of mankind. Things like no murder, no adultery, no usury, no coercion, and so on. These are the things that make the afore mentioned papers relevant.

Without that clear moral imperative, we digress. We fall off of our road. Look about you now. Do you see the drift? Are you prepared to call it by name? Is bribery wrong? Is lying relative? Is truth ambiguous? How can we hold accountable our elected officials, if we are not willing to hold ourselves to a higher level? I know this is difficult to read. None of us are into self flagellation, and we sure as hell don't want to get involved in CIVIC DUTY, but here we are. At the risk of sounding apocryphal, we need to make a decision. Many of us have gone a long way off of the path we would like to be on, and the distance back seems insurmountable. It is not. Break out your compass, blow off the dust and find true north. We will get there together.

Days of Reckoning

Have you ever listened to the talking heads on Sunday morning TV? Do you ever listen or read the blogs or papers of Liberal Depressives? The extent of moral relativism is so pervasive it makes you want to hurl. I mean literally vomit. For some erstwhile kool-aid drinker to equate this Detroit, MI bombing attempt with Richard Lewis of the UK and his bombing attempt is not only contemptible, it is downright asinine.

Put down the kool-aid and slowly back away. Did you ever go to Sunday school? I mean it seriously. Did you or do you have any children? Are you of the school that two wrongs make a right? Wake up, put on a pair of big boy pants, and let's discuss the pros and cons of our current war on terror. Is the home land security czar doing a good job? Does the Obama administration take the war on terrorism seriously? These are questions adults should be asking themselves and each other.

When the leader of the free world says things, whether we agree with them or not, it matters. People listen from all over the planet. So when the President says we no longer have enemy combatants, and acts of terrorism will now be referred to as "man made disasters", people think the problem must not be that serious. We only have a legal dilemma to contend with. A simple law enforcement issue. This Nigerian would be bomber is not committing an act of war, he is simply breaking the law. He is not an enemy combatant, he is a suspect and entitled to the fullest protection of any American citizen under our constitution.

If this is your position, then let it be pronounced. Let it come to the fore and let us enter into the arena of ideas. Let us determine if indeed this is how we wish to proceed with these type of incidents. To say that because this has happened before and people were tried in our courts successfully so ergo that is precedent, is ignoring the unprecedented nature of the very act itself. This is not a criminal issue. This is not a law enforcement dilemma. These are overt acts of war on the free world.

Let us not fall into some lazy dogmatic political discourse of my side over yours. Let us discuss the relevant issues of our day intelligently and with passion. Avoid the temptation to use worn platitudes that have no relevance to what is actually going on here today. We need to have discourse on these issues and come to a consensus. The Liberal Depressives have forever been on the side of capitulation, compromise, and concession. It is supposed to pass for deliberate, contemplative, balanced, logic. It is not. I contend that it is weakness pure and simple. Do not confuse their lack of courage for confronting directly the hard issues of our day with some sort of measured response. It is neither measured nor a response. It is merely capitulation because that is the easy road.

The days of an uninformed electorate are over. We no longer are plebiscites who rely on the network news to stay informed. We have access to the latest and unvarnished news as it occurs. We are not to be condescended to from on high. Yes there are still many among us who have not chosen to engage yet, but they are fewer by the very minute. We understand all of the great philosophers of history, the great political scientists of history, the great economists of history and we will not be dissuaded from what we know to be true. Save your platitudes for the great unwashed, for they are not listening anyway. The ones who are listening know the difference between theory and process.

I know most pundits today will not forecast the 2010 elections in November. I will make this prediction here and now for you to hold me to in the coming months. The body politic in this country is about to change like it has not in 200 hundred years. We are mad as hell and we are not going to take it anymore. There is a reckoning coming. Those of us who read and listen and learn are anxiously awaiting the moment when we enter the poll booth to utterly annihilate your paradigm. The guillotine for you will be the awakening of the American Patriot and his blade will be his vote.

Tuesday, September 15, 2009

A Walk In Faith

For so long I have known that there are problems in our government. I knew so many things were wrong but I haven't been able to put my finger on it. I could look around and see our foundation crumbling. I had thought I can't stand to watch this anymore, so I turned off the news for months. Than I saw the Tea Parties starting up and I thought everyone thinks they are radicals anyway, why waste my time? And they grew. When Bill 3200 came along, I was disgusted. I thought my government has ran every program or industry they are a part of into the ground, and were handing them over 1/5 of the economy. WOW. What are we going to do now? That is when the I started to see the town hall meetings. I witnessed all these brave Americans standing up, unafraid to be called the "lunatic fringe." They saw the need for there voices to be heard and spoke up. So, I figured I can't let my fellow country men and women be brave alone. I will not stand idly by and let the media tell us how few people agree. I am not an overly religious person, however, I began to pray. I prayed that the lord would show me the way that I can make a difference. I got my answer, that on Sep. 12th there would be a march on Washington. I really had no idea how many people would be there. Many of my family and friends didn't believe, they said "I know things are wrong, but how is you going to DC going to change anything?" I didn't either but I had faith, an unwavering faith in my country and my lord that all was not lost. As I walked onto Pennsylvania avenue I saw hundreds of thousands of people, and all I could think was, "none of these people knew how many people would be here or what difference it would make, We Were All There On Faith!" And no matter how many people they say attended, I believe that the true power of that day comes from the knowledge That We Are Not Alone..There are many many other who are walking in Faith, and the movement grows. God Bless America.

The Ten Percenter

I think it is completely normal for people to wonder if the conclusions they reach are valid. Everyone I know that has acted independently, have had the same self doubts at some point during their journey. This is because we as individuals want to be certain that our efforts are based on logic and morality.

People are as varied as snowflakes, none are the same, so to posit an idea is subject to not only our own scrutiny, but once articulated, to the scrutiny of others. This is why it is so difficult for many of us to lay it on the line. No one wants to be denigrated for their ideas. For those of us who do not worry about this possibility, I envy your confidence. I am not one of those people. I agonize at the prospect that people that I know and respect will think me ill considered and shallow, this speaks nothing of the people whom I do not know that may feel the same way.

As I have watched the economic decline of our nation take place over my entire lifetime, I like most people, lament. To see government continue to grow out of control as individuals are suffering unemployment, foreclosures, exorbitant taxes, bankruptcies, and retirement funds decline, I wonder if there is anything I can do. Should I move to Costa Rica, or find some property in the middle of know where and take myself and my family off of the grid? I am only one person so what can I do? I vote. I am informed. So what, nothing seems to get better.

Some days I feel as though I am simply rearranging the chairs on the Titanic. You feel like you are doing something but, the ship is sinking nonetheless. I watch the news, CBS, NBC, ABC, CNN and very few people are saying anything I agree with. Then one day in 1989 as I was driving through Chicago I heard a radio broadcast from a guy I had never heard of before. He was saying things I could relate to. He was somewhat arrogant, but funny. I told all of my family and friends about him and apparently so did 20 million others.

It was so new to me, it felt cathartic. Finally it seemed someone was actually saying what I was thinking. I guess I must not be alone. It was one of those moments when you knew you were not alone. Still, was I just one of 10% of Americans, and so therefore, out of the mainstream of thinking? Was this just a mechanism for the extreme right wing to have a voice, or was something else at work here? Soon, there were others on the radio espousing similar ideas and with similar followings.

Ten years later, as I was traveling, I was staying at a hotel with a cable news program. I could not believe what I was watching. This was a channel that told both sides of an issue. The liberal side, and the conservative side. They in fact were probably more conservative than liberal. I remember trying to find this channel at home. Eventually it became available on my cable system. I was thrilled. I began to think that perhaps I was not just a ten percenter. Perhaps there were more of us out there that feel similarly on the great issues of our time.

This network has now become the most relevant news organization of our time. They dwarf the other channels by viewer comparison. The other channels had lost their way, and in the process, had lost their integrity. Lately, members of their time slots have began to practice journalism. People like Bill O'Reilly and Shawn Hannity, have asserted themselves as arbiters of conservative ethos and logic. There viewership is astonishing. People flock to them and listen intently as they take on the giant growth of government and mock the former news outlets for their lack of balance.

As I watched this all taking place, I was heartened. But I knew I must increase my own personal knowledge. I began to read. At first I was involved with writers on the various shows. People like, Bill O'Reilly, Newt Gingrich, Dick Morris, Ann Coulter, Mark Levin, etc.. These authors were insightful on a range of issues, but I needed to get less biased information. Information out of the mouths, so to speak, of the various people cited in these books. So I began to read things like the 5000 Year Leap, the Federalist Papers, John Adams, Benjamin Franklin, Thomas Jefferson, Thomas Paine, ect..

I began to understand just exactly how far afield we had come from the founding fathers original intent. That is to say, we are making some fundamental mistakes that we were warned about from the very beginning. Then I began to know that I was not a ten percenter. The ideas that I hold dear and advocate to my family are the very ideas that this country was based upon.

Two weeks ago, my daughter asked me if I planned on attending the march in Washington, D.C. on September 12th, 2009. Up until that moment I, like most of us, had thought about it but it was going to be a pain in the butt. I had a major meeting in Chicago, and in order to go would have to drive from Lansing, MI to Chicago, and then fly to D.C. and drive back with her Sunday morning. A royal pain to say the least. It 0ccured to me as I hung up the phone with my inspiring little progeny, that after all we had spoken about over the years I would be some kind of hypocrite if I did not participate in this great political process.

We made plans and reservations and set out to meet in D.C. She arrived with one of our mutual friends and we talked about the next days event. We woke up and had breakfast at the hotel, and took a cab to the Freedom Center on Pennsylvania avenue. We could not get quite to Pennsylvania ave. for the traffic. We decided to get out and walk the rest of the way. We wondered aloud if this was going to be a big deal or not. Would other Americans show up, and to what extent? We saw thousand of people walking toward the Freedom Center but as of yet were not even on Pennsylvania Ave.

As we reached the corner the hair on the back of my neck and arms stood up. The sight was really more than my poor amateurish efforts can describe. More people then I had ever seen in my entire life gathered together in one place. As far as you could see and further still was this mas of humanity like a giant living amoeba. Since I have returned I have heard estimates from 35,000 from NBC to 75,000 from Bill O'Reilly on Fox. When I first heard those numbers I was taken aback. I must admit I was somewhat angry at the ridiculous nature of these estimates. I have attended U of M football games, the Chicago marathon, and various other events with huge amounts of people so I was fairly confident that I knew what 75,000 people looked like.

As of this morning a university study announced there were 1.7 million people there. Now I can honestly say I could not tell the difference between 500,000 and 2,000,000 people because it is so vast. You really have to see it to begin to understand the magnitude of that number. The real question for all of us should be, "why would anyone want to so grossly underestimate the number of people that actually attended?" What possible motive would they have in underreporting the attendance of this event? The good news is, this number can not be suppressed. The video of these amount of people is everywhere. The numbers will be verified and it will become common knowledge before it is all said and done.

I am no longer a ten percenter. I will not be silent in the face of the utter destruction of our country. I am not chicken little and the sky is not falling, but you are being threatened. The very nature of your country has been changing for one hundred years. The speed at which it is now morphing into Socialism is breathtaking. Just because you have not taken the time to review the elements of our demise does not mean it is not happening. Be objective. Look at the process and determine for yourselves if we are not moving down a slippery slope.

The time has come for us all to stop the process in Congress. Do not let them pass a single bill until we have gone through all of our governmental agencies with a forensic accounting. Each and every government agency needs to be audited starting now. Each and every government agency needs to be assessed for necessity and closed if found to be redundant or unnecessary. We need to clean the house. Democrat, Republican, independent, whatever, this needs to stop now, and be cleansed. Get involved. Know this, your adversaries are involved. Look at groups like acorn. Our president is one of it's greatest advocates. Find out who SEIU is. Our president is one of it's greatest advocates. Words matter, elections matter. Who we surround ourselves by, matters.

I know we are all busy, but do not fiddle while Rome burns.

Tuesday, August 25, 2009

One if by land, two if by sea, what will you do to remain free

This county is being presided over by a group of fools, criminals and incompetents. The people on the list I am sending this to are working their fannies off to provide a better life for themselves and their families. We are all too busy to get involved in the day to day ruling of our county. It is after all, a Representative Republic. The idea is that we have elected officials that are supposed to have our backs, you know, represent our interests.

We sometimes do not even have the time to watch the news, and when we do, it oppresses us with it's never ending blather of doom and gloom. The political corruption and complicity we see with known and suspected criminals as well as other miscreants further erodes our confidence that there is anything we as individuals can do to change this seemingly inexorable collapse.

One answer to this situation is to get involved. Education, independently from the normal broadcast networks, is crucial. Read, learn and discuss these issues with all you know. Risk being a nuisance and move your ideas forward. The Five Thousand Year Leap is an excellent read. It is around 350 pages. The Federalist Papers, and Ayn Rand's Atlas Shrugged are also excellent reads. This is the time when we have to make our views and our voices heard. We need to coalesce around a core set of ideas in order to have a template from which we can gauge our success or failure.

We need items such as but not limited to, a flat consumption tax so that no more than 10 percent of what we spend can be taken, and make it impossible to raise the rate without a nation-wide vote. We need term limits, no more than two terms for a senator and no more than four two year terms for a congressmen. We need a reduction in government size and scope by 70%. Ronaldus Magnus once said, " the closest thing on earth we will ever see to eternal life is a government program." We need to show these idiots that when something has outlived it's usefulness, it is time to end. I mean an actual 70%. Welfare is important, but make those that are helped, take drug tests and make sure they are searching for work or enrolled in some type of education. This permanent underclass that we have erroneously created out of good intentions is killing us and the road to hell is paved with them. Get out of the United Nations. Deal with individual countries on a case by case basis. We must not enter into standing treaties that commit us to war when the end game is unclear and not necessarily in our best interests. Get out of West Germany, South Korea, Japan, Bosnia, Iraq, and Afghanistan.

We can take this country from big government, but, we need to get started and now. The time is at hand for us to preserve our nation. Do not let this legacy of socialism be our mark. Our children and grandchildren and beyond are counting on us. Let's get involved, it does not matter if it is a tea party or a just a group of patriots at a demonstration, join and make these elected officials take notice of whom they serve. The alarm is sounding, will you heed it's call?

When WWII began, Americans joined the battle because they knew it was necessary. They joined because the war happened on their watch. It was their responsibility to engage the fascists of Europe and Asia. As we see the country moving toward socialism and yes, even fascism, we must become engaged in our policies. It is no longer enough to just read the news and vote in elections. We are being undermined by special interest groups that have nothing more in mind than to advance their agendas' and at any cost. If it means nationalizing our banks, so be it. If it means nationalizing our manufacturing industry, so be it. If it means dismantling our health care industry, then so be it. This ,my friends, is cultural war.

We must develop groups that are capable of vetting these politicians and determining their positions on specific issues. We can no longer count on people we elect to do what is in our best interest. they are too easily influenced by money, greed, and power in perpetuity. They need to be eliminated from the political landscape and the only way to do that is to vote them out.

Our duty as Americans is to insert ourselves into the system. We need citizen representation, not professional politicians. We need to reduce salaries so that holding a political office is not a career, but an honor to represent our friends and family for a brief time. No lobbyists should be a family member of an elected official. I am starting this blog site to provide us with a forum of our own to disseminate information and to gather electronically. This will be a place where we can share news items, emails, and even articles written by us and others.

This has got to begin with us, the folks we have allowed to rule have abdicated responsibility. They are officially off of the reservation and nothing is being done to control their avarice and greed. No one is being held to account for their misdeeds. When they are caught, it seems all that is necessary for them to go free is an apology. This is simply not acceptable. I will be posting provocative emails, interesting articles, legislative agendas, and anything else I can think of to begin to take this country back from the ignorant, the uninformed and yes, even the evil, who knowingly engage in the destruction of our nation.

The first thing we need is accountability. We need to know how money is dispersed after bills become law. I am not certain how the accounting process actually works, and who oversees it's disbursements. You can believe I will find out. As I do, I will share it with each of you. As we proceed if there is anything you wish to add or review or share please do so. All of you are part of the Regenesis Americanus. The rebirth of a nation. Alexis De Tocqueville once said and I paraphrase," I searched for the genius that is America in her towns and factories, she was not there, I searched for the genius that is America in her great harbors and she was not there, I searched for the genius that is America in her great farms and fields and yet nothing. I searched for the genius and greatness of America in her churches, and there she was. America will remain great only as long she remains moral." The message is clear and is as profound today, no, even more profound today than ever, evil flourishes when good people do nothing. Do not let these people stand for you. Special interests be damned. Make them accountable to us all.

Warmest Regards,
